Updates flowing fast from Pilani

By Keerthikiran

Nobel (peace) prize seems to have had its effect. These students from NIT to come up with a renewable energy model based on waves. They are planning to generate electricity from waves. Their marketing strategy includes carbon credits, renewable energy certificate, which they claim to be some kind of buffer for existing electricity distribution companies.

One of the judges asks them who their first costumers would be? After a bit of dilly dallying with eco-tourism they end with distributors (power).

They say they have all the choices and they haven't closed any of them.

Now another judge asks them how a 30 crore (their requirement) company will deal with the 3 trillion energy business?

They expect eco-investors to help them out with this and they expect the carbon foot prints to work in their favour.

Andy says "we have completely run out of time, so only one quickie " ;)

Now come Vita Peracta and there is a roar that goes up in the hall.

Sindhu starts off by talking about campus placements and the recruitment process of companies. How arbitrary the selection usually ends up.

She introduces the their first product where their product helps companies recruit better, by asking the potential employees to play "games", whose simulation would give a fair idea about whom to pick.

Now Amruth talks about where they stand. He talks about the product they are building for Times group and Perot systems. Their focus for now seems to be HR and recruitment issues.

they are using a "web services (subscription)" business model. They expect to break even in 1.5 years.That seems great!

Now as an answer to a judge's question the team explains how Vita is different from the existing models.

Amruth answers to one of the questions that you can't trick our system :P.

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