I was smitten by the blogosphere sometime last year, and my admiration for the entire blogworld has grown ever since. What fascinates me is the astoundingly high numbers of bloggers across the world (which incidentally is growing at an even more astounding pace), and the profound impact that their opinions have on issues all across the world. Ranging from 9/11 to Katrina, Asian Tsunami to Mumbai floods, George Bush to the recent IIPM controversy, it has been bloggers who have been the frontline reporters and instant news-breakers. Though there has been a high-energy debate questioning the validity of the various blogs which claim to be relaying news, it is beyond doubt that the blogworld is here to stay.( and if I am allowed to take a shot at the future, I might say - Blogs might just outsmart news agencies in the near future). And behind all this, is that urge among every blogger to stand tall among the burgenoning crowd, and to share knowledge for the greater benefit of mankind. We celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit behind the blogosphere - the spirit which drives every blogger to contribute to a change in the world.
The E-factor (Entrepreneurial factor) is a hidden trait in all of us, the trait that makes us differentiate ourselves, that makes us take risks, that makes us change the world for the better (however small a change it is).
This blog is an insight into that E-factor that is running through all of our veins.
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