Last week, the whole CEL team gathered at Sharma's in C'not (a restaurant here at BITS) for the swearing-in (if I can call so!) of the new President of the Center, as well as feasting on some great food! It has been 18 months, since I was handed the mantle by Srinivas Jampani
And it was 'Deja vu' on the 28th of October 2006.
The new President is, (as I partially said in my last speech as President):A man with, what I can emphatically call 'a beautiful mind'. A thinker. A scientist, who derives more joy in gravitational cosmology than Counter-Strike. An inspiring leader. A visionary. A philosopher. A psychologist. And definitely, an entrepreneur at work.
Introducing the new student President of the Center for EntrepreneurialLeadership: Amruth B R
Well, I'm all sure about Amruth taking CEL to greater heights!
Stand Tall!
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